Bean Thinking


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    Thanks to these Brilliant Beans for supporting this work

    Defend Your Rights

    Get organized: here’s a list of pro-democracy progressive organizations fighting for a better democracy

    Learn How Society Really Works

    If you only read 5 books about democracy, read these.

    About Bean Thinking

    Bean Thinking is a video series and online space about envisioning a flourishing democratic society that works to deliver liberty and justice for all. It aims to interrogate cultural myths, inspire critical & creative thinking, and foster mutual understanding. The video essays on Bean Thinking are friendly, philosophical discussions of the values that undergird a liberal democratic society, with a focus on American politics.

    Bean Thinking is the creation of Ahsante Bean, a longtime internet creator and educational video journalist. She was inspired to create Bean Thinking after reading Dr. King’s final book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? and realizing how much public discourse would benefit from a deeper discussion of the role of democracy and political equality in resolving social and economic issues.

    The development and launch of Bean Thinking was supported by the New America Us@250 Fellowship. Ahsante is currently seeking funding to support continued production efforts.

    Curious about what research has helped me craft my worldview? Check out my Big Bean Bibliography